Louis Vuitton does not and has not ever used authenticity cards. This yellow card below is an example of what should not be included in authentic Louis Vuitton purchases. The dust bag in the same photo is fake as well. Take a closer look at the “LOUIS VUITTON” marking and you’ll see the font is incorrect.
Let’s compare the quality, design and crafting of Louis Vuitton Hunter replicas with authentic LV products to get the best bet on less cost. Louis Vuitton Replica Vs Authentic. The first observable feature of the Louis Vuitton products is the quality of the material that is used to craft the bag, shoes or belts.
Many LV fakes come with extra accessories. Authentic Louis Vuitton bags do not. The Neverfull has the option to add a shoulder louis vuitton neverfull authentic vs fake strap, however, that is not a standard accessory. The Neverfull comes with two straps that can be carried over the arm. Fake versions may have a shoulder strap attached or as an accessory. Check Handles and Stitching
Oct 03, 2018 · Authentic vs. Replica Louis Vuitton Neverfull Comparison One bag is a GM (the one on the left with the white background) while the other is an MM so please keep that difference in mind while reading this guide! Fake vs Real Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton is one of the best brands available in bags.
All in all, I'm obsessed with my new bag. My Neverfull GM came in looking pristine (even better than the Fashionphile description) and I use it - no joke - weekly.
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Do you have the Neverfull GM? Do you shop pre-loved? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below!
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